Surfing the Spectacle

Our Strange Dreams

Perhaps our deepest desires float blindly along
in the dark, adrift from our conscious mind.

Perhaps from time to time these desires merge
with the secret dreams of other dreamers…

And rise to the surface like lava, taking ashen shape
in visions most sublime.


These images may appear as the product of this artist or that.

But we might rightly consider such visions as nothing less
than the aching manifestations of our collective unconscious.

Our own hopes, wishes, fantasies, unknown even to ourselves,
now thrust into the open with the brazen swagger of truth.


It is a mark of this world that the expectation of justice
shocks the imagination.


Justice becomes a clever joke among clever people,
but no one does much laughing.


Still the longing lingers.

And the hidden hope, once exposed, seems awfully…



Book ’em, Danno.

And get them out of my sight.

[All these mug shots are from Nora Ligorano and Marshall Reese’s “Line Up,” currently displayed at the New York Public Library as part of its “Multiple Interpretations” exhibition. Check out these links for more information. Lastly,
a link for youthful readers mystified by the wondrous phrase, “Book ’em Danno.”]

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