Surfing the Spectacle

Riace, Paese dell’Accoglienza

This is Mimmo Lucano, the major of Riace.


Riace is a town located in the southern coast of Calabria,
the tip region of the Italian boot.


You might be recalling the name of this town from an art history class.


The Riace bronzes, two of the few examples of full-size greek bronze statues,
were found in the waters of Riace in 1972.


But something else was more recently rescued from the Mediterranean waters,
and taken to the land of Riace.


In 2016 the local community of Riace welcomed more than 800 migrants from 20 countries, giving jobs to all of them. Riace’s system for the reception of immigrants, called Modello Riace (Riace Model), has made the town an Italian model for hospitality and acceptance.

The system was developed by Lucano himself in 1998 when a boat full of migrants from Kurdistan and Iraq arrived on the Riace shore, Lucano was able to combine the reception of immigrants with the rebirth and development of the town. The many abandoned houses were restructured and became homes for the immigrants, and all the old artisanal jobs were given to them. This system has greatly improved the economy of the town and saved many lives.



on October 2nd, 2018, Mimmo Lucano was arrested. He was found helping illegal migrants receiving the Italian citizenship through marriages of convenience. By the Italian law, trying to save people from being sent back to their native country they risked their lives to escape from, is illegal.

This is Oskar Schindler, a German businessman.


In 1939 he established the Deutsche Emaillewaren-Fabrik,
a factory that produced utensils, located in Krakov, Poland.


Only a few years later, in 1944, he had employed 1,750 workers,
1,000 of whom were Jewish.


During the Second World War, Schindler was able to keep 1200 persecuted Jews working in his factory and saved them from being deported to concentration camps.

Was any of what he did legal?


But what was legal at the time?


And today?


Sometimes what’s right is not always legal,
and sometimes what’s legal is not always right.

What is very important, however, is to understand when laws are humane and when they aren’t, and people like Domenico Lucano and Oskar Schindler might not the best example of people who abided by the law, but they are two great examples of humanity. If Schindler hadn’t made the Schindler’s list, and if Lucano hadn’t helped illegal immigrants, the world would be a worse place right now.

And like what Bertolt Brecht says,
when injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.


“Riace, the welcoming town.
This town rejects war as an instrument of aggression against
the freedom of other peoples and as a means for the
settlement of international disputes. (Art. 11 of the Italian Constitution.)”

Spectacle entry by Irene Piazza.

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American Dream Girl

Imagine a stunning, God-fearing woman who saves her precious gift until the day she marries her husband.


She will walk down the aisle, trading in her purity ring for her wedding band.


And she will know in her heart she’s a pure little angel ready to create all the babies in the name of God without any sins of the flesh marring her past. Isn’t that just what every man would want?

The ideal family!

But in this day and age teenagers are sinning left and right. Tainting their pure souls with pornography and getting taught about sex in school. Just horrible, isn’t it?

Don’t these young feminine souls know that the second they have intercourse they will be giving a part of their soul and heart away to underserving creeps who will only damage them? Not to mention the STDs and pregnancies.


But what kind of examples are we setting for our daughters? There are reality shows about girls who lose their purity and get pregnant because of it! If you haven’t watched 16 and Pregnant on MTV, then count yourself lucky. What pure wretched souls!

I bet she would have been happier if she stayed pure!

So what is the solution?

I give to you the most wonderful gift you can give to your young, Jesus-loving, pubescent daughter: the purity ball.

What’s a purity ball?

Well, it all starts with a beautiful ceremony between a father and his daughter. The father promises to protect her precious gift before he gives her to her future husband, and she signs a pledge to him and God that she will remain pure! The lucky girls will lay down a white rose next to a cross and then the partying begins. There are some beautiful slow dances. It is a truly magical bonding moment for a father to share with his daughter. Take a look

It just warms your heart, doesn’t it?

It’s best to bring your daughter to a purity ball as soon as possible, so you don’t have an embarrassing moment like this:

Honestly, the earlier the better!

Because you know if a father doesn’t protect his daughter’s flower and teach her to respect herself, then she will run wild! It’s wise to give her a piece of jewelry to represent her sacred promise. That way she can look at it every day and remember God’s plan for her virginity.


So it’s kind of like a wedding?

Exactly! It is a beautiful symbolic ceremony and will surely make her excited for that special day in her future.


Look at these happy couples. You couldn’t imagine a more perfect moment to share.

Truly living the American Dream!

What a serene moment!

She looks excited to take her pledge!

They look so great together!

These stunning portraits are courtesy of Huffington Post, and taken by a photographer named David Magnusson.

In case you want more information, check out this gentleman’s website. He organizes purity balls!


And never forget:


Spectacle entry by Alyssa Michener

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Uncanny Valley


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Who Watches the Watchmen?

The Roman poet Juvenal once famously asked, “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” or “Who watches the watchmen?” The question is not rhetorical. Trevor Paglen. He watches the watchmen.


The modern surveillance state is far more competent than anything the Romans had to worry about. Nowadays, people just sort of expect that their phones are tapped and emails read by CIA spooks and deep government agents. Apathy strikes hard and deep, and leaves a nasty infection that takes ages to heal.

In comes Trevor Paglen. An artist. A photographer. A hunter of ghosts. His subject of choice: secret bases.


This is one of Mr. Paglen’s photos. It’s Area 51 at 26 miles: which is pretty much the legal boundary. You see, Mr. Paglen can’t enter the bases. That could get him shot. So he does the next best thing.

He sits 30 miles away with a telescope and documents them.


This one is called “They Watch the Moon.” It’s a picture of the Sugar Grove Complex in West Virginia. The complex is supposed to observe outer space. Yet, many people believe it observes us: a covert NSA outpost, disguised nefariously as a research center.

So……Mr. Paglen watches it back. Just in case.

Chemical and Biological Weapons Proving Ground/Dugway; UT/Distance approx. 42 miles; 11:17 a.m., 2006

Trevor Paglen is not releasing state secrets. He doesn’t break the law. He is not a revolutionary. He collects no evidence. But he is watching.

The invisible hand of power rests across the country in nooks and crannies that could be anywhere, lurking in the dark behind barbed wire fences. Trevor Paglen watches the invisible, the obscure and untouchable. Nothing else. The NSA, the CIA, the FBI, in whichever form they come, are not alone. Trevor Paglen watches the watchmen. This gives me immense comfort.

Guest Entry by John Wagner

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Flawless Love


Sim Chang, a Taiwanese artist interested in photography and human disconnect, released a series of works in 2010-2014 entitled “Flawless Love.”


Chang’s work utilizes Japanese anime culture, juxtaposed by tradition and modern technology.


iPads replace self and turn into a faux reality. Chang’s work questions our perception of the world.


How do we express our identity as an individual? As a culture?


At what point do we consider something seductive to be grotesque?


What does it mean to feel safe? Fear of confrontation, imagination derived from the avoidance of problems.


The Screen Generation interprets life from second-hand, online experience. Limited by convenience.


Chang writes: “Falling in love with their own imaginations may be a much more beautiful truth than reality.”

Spectacle Entry by Elizabeth von Kaenel.
Sim Chang’s work can be seen here and here and here.

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The Luxurious Freedom of Statelessness


Look at you.

Wealthy, beautiful, alluring, you spend your days pursuing pleasure, seeking to enjoy life at its fullest. You yearn for ultimate liberation.

But you are not free.


You are tethered to a world of banality. Look at the people you pass on the street. Worker drones with their petty aims and desires. And worse still, the poor, the ill, the lowest class. All of these people are beneath you, with no understanding of how to truly live.

Worse yet, you must pay taxes to serve all these people.

Why not serve yourself? Why not just pack up and leave the United States, hop from one country to country, purchase the finest luxuries, commingle with other elites, and sample the best life has to offer?


Break free into statelessness.

A stateless person is not considered a national by any state. They are free from the operations of its laws. This could be you. This could be the end to your prosaic nationality.


You can obtain a rare and distinctive 1954 Convention Document that allows utter statelessness.

Forget all the legal documents of the state. Forget taxes. Now all your money is your money. Secure exceptional treatment wherever you go.

You need no passport to buy a yacht. Sail across the world in a new and different port of call every night. Meet amazing people that are truly of the highest caliber.


Stateless, you will be in great company. Sip champaign with Nicolas Berggruen, a billionaire who renounced his citizenship to avoid taxes and spent the last decade hopping between 5 star hotels. Or shop for diamonds with Eduardo Saverin, a billionaire founder of Facebook. He renounced his U.S. citizenship before a 2012 tax would cost him $700,000.

But even these gentlemen are tied to other governments. For Saverin, it’s Brazil; for Berggruen, it’s Germany.

You, however, can break all ties. You can grab the freedom you truly deserve.


Statelessness is the true answer.

Few know that there are already some 10 million stateless people in the world. But most of them have no idea what to do with the cherished condition. Indeed, they are among the most wretched people on the planet.

The Bedoon, for instance. Former nomadic people in the Arab Gulf States and Iraq, they became stateless in the formation of the gulf states and exist as illegal immigrants in many countries. And the Rohingya, an ethic minority from Myanmar. They were denied citizenship in 1982, and currently survive in ghettos or internal refugee camps, if they’re not fleeing the country amid a genocidal campaign against them by the Myanmar government.

None of these people have the wealth and taste to embrace the rich freedoms of statelessness. You’re courageous enough to live lavishly. Paradise is calling.


Take the plunge. Renounce your citizenship today.

A U.S. citizen needs only to go to a U.S. embassy or consulate, pay an expatriation tax and fee, and flee the United States and its horrific income tax forever.

Since 2010 over 13,000 Americans renounced their citizenship. You should be next.

Seize control now. Renounce your nation. Find your bliss. You can be a free and beautiful creature — it is your true destiny.


Entry by Meredith Brindley with editorial assistance by SurfingtheSpectacle.

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We’re not talking about American football here.
“Blitz” is what Italian artist Iginio De Luca calls his blend of street art
that incorporates projections, performances and installations.
Like most street art, these pieces are enacted without permission.

He likes to slander and attack valuable figures, buildings and institutions.
It is really rude stuff and doesn’t merit permission or praise.
Take this piece done in 2010, for example.


Lavami. That is Italian for “wash me.”
Why are you victimizing the Catholic Church, Iginio?
They’ve never done anything wrong. Come on…

Then there’s this degenerate piece, also done in 2010:

Silvio c’hai rotto li gommoni.


“Silvio, you have broken the life rafts.”
An insinuation that the now ex-Italian Prime Minister,
Silvio Berlusconi, was irresponsible and was “sinking” Italy.

Iginio, I am sorry to tell you that you were dead wrong.
Italy is in great shape now. And before you mention that whole thing
about Berlusconi being convicted of tax-fraud in 2013, remember this:
Everyone is human.

Including the Pope.
Which is why this other 2010 piece,
Il Papa macchiato, is especially distasteful.


Stains on the Pope? Not cool.
All Popes have a God-given sense of fashion, don’t forget.

Unfortunately, Iginio continues to employ these distasteful tactics
to insult and hurt. Here is a photo of the artist (the one in the white jacket)
rolling some big dice in front of The Quirinal Palace, the historic building
where the President of the Italian Republic works.


Ca maronn c’accumpagn.

We get it. You think the politicians are treating the well-being of Italy
like a game, just tossing dice around to see what happens. Funny.

Now listen to that carabiniere and go home already.
Seriously, why are you so angry?
Like I said before, Italy is in great shape.

Spectacle Entry by Costantino Toth

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The Big Picture

I hate Chris Jordan.

Let me explain. This artist makes large prints of seemingly beautiful scenes or patterns. For instance, look at this gorgeous atmospheric photo of a forest in fog.


I could get lost in that. I did. But then I saw the title “Paper Bags.” What? Apparently the image shows 1.14 million paper bags stacked on top of each other to look like trees from a distance. That is the average number, a synopsis explains, of supermarket paper bags used every hour in the US in 2007. Excuse me?

I was staring into this piece like I would a Rothko. I was losing myself and finding myself again in a new light. But Chris Jordan wants to ruin my meditative experience with these irritating truths about mass consumption. Where does he get the nerve?

Let me show you other beautiful moments that Chris Jordan has destroyed. See this?


The nostalgic and wondrous magic of gentle snowfall captured by camera?

Wrong. “166,000 packing peanuts, equal to the number of overnight packages shipped by air in the U.S. every hour.”

Do art lovers really need to hear these depressing facts about consumerism and inorganic waste? Can’t we just behold the glory of enchanting abstractions?


For instance, gazing upon this gorgeous mandala, I felt like I was in some sort of temple, looking up at the great vaulted dome. I started having a profound spiritual awakening.

Then I read the title. “Oil Barrels.” The image apparently depicts 28,000 42-gallon barrels, which was the amount of oil consumed by the U.S. every two minutes in 2008. A supremely annoying statistic. Now my newly centered chi was back out of balance. It was that miserable Chris Jordan again.

But then, man, I was getting really into this one. The pattern and the colors were really letting me space out.


And suddenly my blissful reverie was rudely interrupted. I didn’t even mean to look at the title, I swear. But I inadvertently glanced over and saw the words — “Shipping Containers.” It turns out that each dot in this work of Jordan’s depicts one of 38,000 “containers processed through American ports every twelve hours”. Bastard! He’s making me consider the vast amount of materials, goods, money, and energy used in this constant process. And I hate him for that.

But this one is his worst offense.


This iconic image took me back to the first time I watched “Titanic.” Oh, I got caught up in the thrills of the story, and the timeless, tragic love of Jack and Rose. I leaned up close to see if I could spot the immortal lovers. That was a mistake.

I discovered that the big picture is made up of 67,000 smaller pictures of mushroom clouds. That represents the number of metric tons of ultra-radioactive waste in pools in the U.S.’s 104 nuclear plants.

What a buzz kill.


On his site, Jordan describes goes on to say how unstable, vulnerable, and over-filled these pools are. He writes, “The Brookhaven National Laboratory estimated that a calamity at just one of these waste pools in the U.S. could cause 138,000 American deaths and contaminate 2,000 square miles of our land.”

It’s clear that the facts Jordan spreads with his artwork are just as dangerous and disturbing as that of any radioactive accident. Chris Jordan is practically a domestic terrorist. He must be stopped.

[Guest Entry by Alex DeMoll with editorial assistance by SurfingtheSpectacle. You can find Chris Jordan’s website here. We urge you to avoid it.]

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Spoonful of Sugar

[A guest entry by Meaghan Long, with editorial assistance by Surfing the Spectacle]


“A bombshell report from Credit Suisse’s Research Institute brought into sharp focus the staggering health consequences of sugar on the health of Americans….Our national addiction to sugar runs us an incredible $1 trillion in healthcare costs each year. The Credit Suisse report highlighted several health conditions including coronary heart diseases, type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome, which numerous studies have linked to excessive sugar intake.”
[from Global Research, Sugar: Killing Us Sweetly, February 2014]


(please click audio for proper reading accompaniment)


Just a Spoonful of Sugar
And ev’ry bite you undertake
Becomes a piece of cake
A lark! A spree! It’s very clear to see that

A spoonful of sugar helps the kidney shut down
The intestine shut down
The pancreas shut down
Just a spoonful of sugar helps the brain shut down
In a most delightful way!


The big companies excessively give us the sugar
A health killer with a lethal trigger
“More sugar more sugar” they yell
Not thinking about the health problems they sell.
Just add another gram
no one gives a damn

A spoonful of sugar helps the kidney shut down
The intestine shut down
The pancreas shut down
Just a spoonful of sugar helps the brain shut down
In a most delightful way!


Bringing in the dough by the billions
The last thing on their minds are the civilians
While they work closely with Capitol Hill
We the people deal with the medical bill
A few hours without the drug
And I feel that angsty tug
I’ll just turn a blind eye
because it’s impossible to say goodbye


A spoonful of sugar helps the kidney shut down
The intestine shut down
The pancreas shut down
Just a spoonful of sugar helps the brain shut down
In a most delightful way!

[For more about the wondrous effects of sugar, we recommend
the article Is Sugar More Addictive Than Cocaine?]

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As Good As Dead

[Guest Entry by Keith Boylan with editorial assistance by SurfingtheSpectacle]

If I hoped to make a conservationist out of you, I could try telling you that 700
black rhinos were killed in South Africa over the course of 2013, more than any
other year in human history.

Or I could just show you this:


The little rhinoceros in the picture is crying because his mother was chased off of
a cliff by dogs and poachers, who were looking to harvest her horn. There is a
great demand for rhino horn in Vietnam and other Asian countries, where it is believed the horn holds cancer-curing properties.

No medical evidence supports this claim of miraculous cure, but that’s probably of little interest to Gertjie.


This is Gertjie. She’s not the same baby rhino we see in the first image, but she went through a similar experience. She was traumatized when she watched poachers brutally kill her mother. She still doesn’t like to sleep alone.

We can read stark statistics about poaching, deforestation, the meat industry and other awful things, and be remarkably unfazed. But there’s a sharp emotional impact when we actually see vivid images of dead and wounded animals.

Like, say, 16,000 dead pigs.


These sanitation workers are retrieving pig carcasses from the Huangpu River in
Shanghai, China. Thousands of pigs were found floating downstream in 2013, the likely result of illegal dumping from meat factories and other black market meat operations. Chinese authorities insisted that the pigs had no effect on Shanghai’s water quality. Many found the spectacle disturbing.

Including this guy:


This is Cai Guo-Qiang. You can think of him as sort of a Chinese Damien Hirst, well known, well off, and creating art on a massive scale. But unlike Hirst, Guo-Qiang’s work actually makes an honest attempt at social and political commentary.

The thing behind him is an abandoned fishing boat that has been repurposed to act as a makeshift ark. Its passengers are lifelike sculptures of sick-looking animals. Currently, it lives in The Ninth Wave, Guo-Qiang’s 2014 solo exhibition in Shanghai’s Power Station of Art museum.


But getting there was quite an adventure. Guo-Qiang’s boat travelled down the Huangpu River, the very same waterway infested with dead pigs the year before. It’s a reference to that event, as well as to the world’s wider environmental crisis. Creatures from around the globe appear clinging to the dilapidated vessel as they succumb to illness. From afar, it probably looked as if the rickety boat was carrying actual ailing animals, a sight that would be almost as unnerving as the thousands of dead pigs.


In other works, Cai Guo-Qiang utilizes this same sculptural realism to evoke the mysterious, sublime power of animals.


Head On (2006) is an enormous sculpture depicting a huge pack of wolves ramming themselves into a wall, falling down, and then getting back in line to do it again. This one is not so much about the environment as it is about the dangers of mob mentality and zealous ideology. It’s deeply political, especially considering that Guo-Qiang was a child during Mao’s revolution, and that the Chinese government continues to oppose creative dissent.


Guo-Qiang’s view of life on earth can also be strangely affirming. Heritage (2013) depicts nearly a hundred different animals drinking from a watering hole. It preaches an idea of pan-special oneness and quietly notes that every living creature draws its life from the same sources. This work offers a complementary vision to The Ninth Wave with its boat full of sick animals. It may be true that all living creatures have a shared fate, Guo-Qiang seems to say, but our actions can determine what that fate will be.

P.S. I feel bad about the downer bit with the rhinos at the beginning, so here is a link to a cute video of Gertjie playing with her friend, Lammie the lamb:

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Returning from the Undead

Dear reader, for several years, SurfingtheSpectacle has softly chugged along on automatic pilot. While we attended to other wondrous projects, we left our website here open, but without new creation and embellishment.

That, alas, has left some of you alone and forlorn.


But it’s important you realize something.


New blog posts and sidebar entries will emerge,
just as you have dreamed.

Yes, you may pinch yourself.

You are alone no more.


You must trust us on these things.

Trust us forever.


We are with you always.

[Our thanks to the pioneering artist Larry Van Pelt
for his inspirational “With You Always” drawing series.]

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The Dream Depicted

One of the world’s most famous paintings generates a profound turbulence.

Black and white on a huge canvas, Picasso’s Guernica
imagines the frenzied destruction of an aerial bombing.

It has become an iconic image of the madness of war.


But while Guernica is an image of war, there are no soldiers to be seen.

Instead, the painting depicts a very particular kind of war.
A war against humanity.

The bombs that fell in 1937 on the small town of Guernica
in the Basque region of Spain fell on women and children
and old men and animals.

It was no accident. They were excellent targets.


Which reminds me, have you ever dreamed of flying?


In his masterful The History of Bombing, Sven Lindqvist shows us
that when man first began to dream of flight,

he began to dream of bombs.

Early popular fiction depicted bombers high in the sky,
safe and dedicated to their sacred mission:

the absolute decimation of entire cities and races below.


And then, the dream became real.

Man learned to fly, and quickly, very quickly,
he learned to bomb.

It proved an impressive way of keeping order.


Lets say you had valuable colonies filled with inferior people
who possessed an entirely different skin color than your own.

And say the colonies were disobedient. They opposed your occupation.
Or interrupted your removal of their resources.
Or gave comfort to your enemies.


You merely had to fly over the homes where their children
played and their wives cooked and their elders sat,
and drop your bombs.

The fiery transformation was considered most effective.


You had delivered a clear message on the law of civilization:

Never resist your superiors. Never think of resisting.
Submit and serve.


In this way, early aerial bombing massacred civilians
in the villages and cities of Morocco and India and
Iran and Ethiopia and many, many other countries.

Only you never heard of these bombings.
They had no Picasso to tell the tale of their devastation.

Their stories went up with the smoke.


Of course, the civilized powers dropping the bombs
did not endorse the brutal killing of innocents.

They were nations of laws and justice and religion.
They enacted strict international laws forbidding such actions.

Only these laws applied to humans like themselves.

Humans unlike themselves,
Africans or Arabs or Asians or Indians,
were naturally inferior and fell outside such legal constraints.
They could be slaughtered for their own good.


That’s what was interesting with Guernica.

Europeans bombed innocent Europeans.

That was new in 1937. And deeply unsettling.


Picasso began working on his masterpiece almost immediately
after hearing reports of the atrocity, and his Guernica painting
soon toured widely through Europe.

When viewers gazed upon it, did they sense
it was an image more from the future than the past?

No matter. A single painting, no matter how strong,
no matter how celebrated the artist,
was not enough. Not enough at all.

Soon the people of the civilized nations would learn
what their darker-skinned brothers already knew.
Everyone was at risk from the sky.


In a few short years, civilians living in huge cities
would be incinerated by the tens of thousands.

Dresden, Hamburg, and Tokyo would be
decimated in a new kind of war where everyone
was a target and innocence was irrelevant.

Of course, that was another time, another world.
Nothing like this could happen today.


The important work of our greatest artists tell us so.

[This final image is a photo of a Damien Hirst artwork auctioned off with some of his other works for some $200 million in 2008, a sale now seen as a perverse marker of contemporary decadence in the art world.]

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The New World

Some say that there are no more new frontiers in our world today. They claim that every place on earth has been discovered, explored and thoroughly populated.

This is not so.

An exciting new land mass that remains more or less untouched by humanity.

It waits in the Pacific, between Hawaii and California, just ripe for the taking.


There’s one catch, though.

It’s made of garbage.

Though no official name has yet been given this new world,
many are simply calling it the “Eastern Garbage Patch.”

Although “patch” doesn’t quite do the trash mass the justice that it deserves.

Researchers estimate it to weigh roughly three million tons,
covering an area larger than Texas.

How did this modern miracle come to be?
What could possibly create something so mighty?

Well, man, of course.

Man from all the continents of the world has cast his garbage into the sea. The endless swarms of trash drift and drift until they reach an empty, immense and uninhabited area of the ocean where competing pressure zones from around the world come together to create a dead zone for sailors and sea creatures alike.

And now, garbage.

Oh, clever Nature! How she provides!

The foul-smelling eyesore of our civilization’s garbage finds a far-off watery home, relieving us of its odious presence.

Of course we could simply consume less, waste less, create a lifestyle that utilizes our resources in a clean, self-sustaining manner. But why bother when nature provides its own solution?

Sadly, some don’t grasp the beauty of this organic approach. They point to a certain material in our garbage that takes eons to disintegrate — plastics.

They whine that accumulating plastics poison the environment, poison the creatures that consume the plastics and poison all of us in turn.

It’s all gloom and doom.

Have they never heard of a little thing called survival of the fittest?

Embrace the new world, my friends!

Trust in Nature!

[Guest Entry by Andrew Volpe with editorial assistance by SurfingtheSpectacle]

[There’s an excellent article on the subject here and a decent Wikipedia entry here. Check out the NPR radio story or the video series on VBS.TV called Garbage Island which vividly chronicles this subject. We should mention that there’s a Western Garbage Patch, much like the East. And the massive amount of trash in these remote locations aren’t actually piled up like marvelous garbage dumps; it’s a far more insidious blight as the debris floats in immense swaths below the surface, trillions and trillions of plastic particles and contaminants quietly involved in the steadfast destruction of earth’s organic life.]


[Glass of water, anyone?]

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